School Administration Hearing Assistance

If you are enrolled in the Group Legal Plan you have support available to you should you need it for an administrative hearing or general questions. Contact ARAG for assistance in navigating this benefit.

School administration hearings are held when there is an issue with a student related to disabilities, special education needs or student policy violations within a public or private school. In these situations, either you can take action against the school, or the school can take action against you.

The most common reason a school administration hearing occurs is related to students with disabilities not receiving the accommodations they require. These children typically have an Individual Education Plan, or IEP, that legally must be followed. But, sometimes, the accommodations detailed in the IEP may not be followed accurately or completely, or the plan needs to change based on the student’s evolving needs.

Another reason why a school administration hearing might occur is due to a potential expulsion or other punishment after violating a school policy. A student could be caught cyberbullying another classmate, cheating on a test or plagiarizing a paper – which are all situations that could trigger a hearing.

Yes! In some situations, talking to an attorney with experience in IEPs or disciplinary hearings is beneficial. If a student has accommodations that aren’t being met, a lawyer can help explain what the parent can legally do to make the situation right. Or if the student’s bad behavior might have a legal component to it, a lawyer can help explain how the laws impact their child.

A parent may sometimes choose to have an attorney attend the school administration hearing with them. According to Iowa Legal Aid, an attorney can help a parent make decisions about what to do if the child isn’t making enough progress toward their goals, whether changes need to be made to the IEP and what to do if the parents don’t agree with what the school and IEP team decides.

So, if you and your child are facing a school administration hearing, take a deep breath – and remember that you don’t have to face it alone. Attorneys can help you and your family identify next steps and create a plan of action to make sure your student is set up for success.

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