Planning to Retire

Congratulations! After years of dedication to Bath & Body Works, you’re considering retirement. It’s never too soon to start planning for retirement; you want to be sure you have everything in place, so you can fully enjoy your golden years. Consider these questions as you start planning:

You can start receiving distributions without penalty after age 59-1/2. You are required to take a minimum distribution after age 72.

You automatically become eligible for Medicare Parts A (Hospitalization), B (Doctors), and D (Drugs) when you turn age 65. Part A is free and Parts B and D have premiums. If you are covered under a Bath & Body Works medical plan, you should enroll for Medicare Part A at age 65; however, you can defer enrollment in Medicare Parts B and D until you no longer have Bath & Body Works medical coverage. You’ll be able to enroll in Parts B and D during a Medicare special enrollment period. You’re first eligible to sign up for Medicare three months before you turn age 65. You may be able to get Medicare earlier if you have a disability, End-Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) or ALS (also known as Lou Gehrig’s disease).

If you are enrolled in a Bath & Body Works medical plan, as long you are an active participant (not COBRA), you and your spouse’s coverage with the Bath & Body Works plan remains primary for you and your dependents, even if you and/or your spouse are also enrolled in Medicare

Note: Visit for the latest on what they offer and official rules.

Learn More

Learn more about these benefits and resources and the steps you’ll need to take to start preparing for retirement:

Want to understand your benefits?

Review the Resources page to learn more.